
I'm sick! and It's a total gong show! Being sick ruins everything...especially for me because i seem to be PERMENENTLY sick! Arg! so frustrating! the dance whomped for me because about half way through it i was trying to relieve myself of my organs...excellent! Other than that and some nameless persons opinion that thinks i shouldn't hang out with another nameless person because aparently That nameless person has a jelous streak! which by the way if that person does have one i have never seen in my so called "life"so mind your own beezwax nameless person #1, its annoying AND you dont have your facts straight! Another thing! In English...some how the topic we were discussing made me want to have a light saber fight with a star wars obsessed geek...don't ask me where i get these absurd notions...they arn't a blessing more of a handicapp...
peace out my mental institution is trying to track me down...