I LOVE HOUSE...I watch it every tusday night and i am so in love with Dr. House...he is amazing! He is a total jerk and just swears and calls people stupid and not worthy... There is always a huge medical problem where no other doctor can figure out and House ALWAYS figures it out :) Hes so amazing! Dr. House is played by Hugh Laurie, who happens to be a british actor and won best male actor of the year Grammy!!! phoof. In the show he doesn't have a british accent but a very deep voice. Because of his stubborness he refuses to have his leg removed when there is a blood clot in it enabaling his leg from fully funtioning. So now he walks with a cane everywhere and is constantly popping Vicaden!... He is also stubborn when it comes to saying hes wrong, for instance he gave a jerk of a police officer a prostate exam and the man was pissed because he didn't warm the probe first :p so he chraged House with being an addict to vicaden. House would have rather went to prison than appoligize to the guy!
Somehow this complete jerk of a doctor draws me to the t.v every tuesday night :)
Doodle Bop
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