Pancake...1 not 2

SO! for lunch on tuesday this week Kassy, Zanna and I went out for "Breakfast" at the cordial, we shared a PANCAKE and some sausages and eggs...ya i was the one who ordered for us...i almost ordered two pancakes!, we didn't even come close to finishing the first one LOL, good thing they changed my mind haha... 1 pancakey is good enough for 4 people LOL. Oh and would someone please tell Zanna and Kassy that syrup on eggs is the SHIT!
mmmm pancake!
Doodle Bop
At 8:11 PM,
Tonya said…
YES!!! Breakfast for lunch rocks! I had sausages for lunch today :) Oh, and I put syrup on even somehow gets on my I'll definitely back you up on that one!
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