Friday, December 29, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

OMG! On March 5th Emerson Drive is coming to Kamloops!!!! SoOoO Excited! Just me and Kristen are going together we don't want any third wheels haha! We're picking up the tickets today!!! I pretty much figured that because I haven't been to a concert yet my first one better be a total KICK ASS band WOO! I have no idea who else will be playing but I mean COME ON...It's EMERSON DRIVE...I have never been this excited in my life!!!...It would have been cool to see Brad Paisly to tho...Dam my parents and school nights...gotta hate being young! Even though it's still a rockin good time! Sooo holy shit I don't think I can last three months!!!! phoof! This is just to much for me!!! I'm gonna go calm myself by breathing into a paper bag...
DAM you Blake, I can't believe you get to see Rascal Flatts :(
Doodle Bop
Monday, December 25, 2006
Eunuch...snippy, snippy!

Captain Jack (Sexy) Sparrow! HOLY! MOLY! Finally saw POTC 2! sooo good! Only one reason why I watched it and that would be because of JOHNNY DEPP! DAM he is FINE!!!!! I definitely could watch this movie a billion times over...So jealous of Keira Knightly!!! Lucky bitch! :)
Why is the rum always gone!?
Doodle Bop
Saturday, December 23, 2006
This time of year...

This Christmas is going to be a good one, I can feel it. I had to do my shopping in one day! Actually I only had and hour and a half :s. This will be my last Christmas that I will have to go back to high school! The year 07 is here in about a week and that means the countdown to grad begins!!! June 29, 30th people!!! I got some bad and good news while I was talking to my brother earlier...He will no longer be escorting me because of his summer job location being outside of B.C...aparently I'm not important enough to travel back to see graduate! But the good news is...The very handsome Blake Bolster will be escorting me! WoW that guy is definitely amazing not to mention always looks amazing! Still have to go shopping for my grad dress...Defiantly not going to skimp on the hair the nails and the dress...Looking immaculate is a only grad once!
Merry Christmas!!
Doodle Bop
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Why show if your not wanted?

Why would you go to a place where its very clear that you are not wanted there! I can see going if there's only one person that has a problem with you and they can't say anything because it's not there place to make the rules, but when its someone's property and you KNOW that person hates you and doesn't want to see you, why would you go!? Well I don't know why, I know if someone had a big problem with me and so did their friends..Well lets just say I wouldn't be dumb enough to go there, its like laying down infront of the person and asking to be stomped! WHO DOES THAT!
Think people THINK!
Doodle Bop
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Dream Truck <3

This is Mater from Cars hes one sexy Tow Truck!
My actual dream Truck is a Ford 350 short box, quad cab with cab lights and cloth interior, cab lights and a candy apple red exterior colour. Yes definitely would be nice truck especially with a 6" lift for mud boggin!
Keep on Truckin'
Doodle Bop
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
You Are Wonder Woman |
![]() A true goddess, you have the strength and skills to rule the world.You're one sexy amazon... all of the superhero guys are fighting over you! |
What Superhero Are You?
Sex on the Beach!
You Are Sex On the Beach |
![]() When comes to drinking, you like it to go down smooth.You really don't like the taste of alcohol - just its effect on you.So, you're proud to get drunk on fruity, girly drinks.Because once you're liquored up, the fun begins! |
What Alcoholic Drink Are You?
I am a Caffe Vanilla Frappucino!
Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino |
![]() Smooth and sweet, you fit in to almost any crowd. No one would suspect you of being a coffee tweaker! |
What Flavor Frappuccino Are You?
Sexy dancing flowers!

On Friday December 1st, most of David Stoddart went to Kamloops to watch the play "Alice in Wonderland" I have seen them do better performances in the past but this play was very humorous! For instance thing that Alice meets in her dream are singing dancing flowers...Well to look like a flower the actors wore green spandex suits, being a very sexually orientated age group our school found this very amusing especially when the flowers danced and that "area" shifted. Well no one ever said high school students were mature!
3 cheers for confident men in spandex!
Doodle Bop